What's up World, music is a universal language.. There are so many styles 4 so many people, and everybody enjoys it. But not everybody respects it. Not everybody buys cd's anymore. Especialy the youngsters.. And if you don't buy albums you're not a fan! So this blog is a lil attempt 2 make y'all go out and buy those goodies. I'm gonne post all genres, RESPECT THE ARCHITECT!
Her voice is amazing, this is B-E-A-UTIFUL music! If you have the chance 2 see her live, just do it! You can't go wrong! Below you can check out tracks 3, 8 & 14. The Ready For Love video is a crazy live performance..
I was 10 years old when i found this cd in my dad's collection. It was my first Hip Hop oriented album. I stole it few years later when i moved out.. I had 2 have it! & Few years ago i saw him live on stage.. It was a great show!! And then the worst thing happend, he died last year... it was a shock! Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal!! R.I.P. Keith Edward Elam (July 17, 1961 – April 19, 2010)
I know this acoustic album for a mighty long time... I learned about it through my sister and i keep playing it over and over, it never gets old. Below you can listen 2 track 2, 5, 6 & 11.